‘Tanna’ is a gem of a movie, and its stars deserve to shine among the brightest lights of the glitterati
There are two ways to make a movie like ‘Tanna’:
You could spend millions housing and caring for a cast and crew of hundreds, millions more on costumes, sets, make-up and outlandish logistical costs, and even more on lavish, painstakingly built CGI effects.
Or you could take a couple of hand-held cameras and go live in Yakel village for six months.
Both approaches would probably work, more or less. The first will get you The Mission, or Mosquito Coast, or—heaven help you—Fitzcarraldo. But only the latter is capable of capturing the heart of kastom in Tanna.
‘Tanna’ is visually lush and—happily—not polished. The actors have bad hair days, they have calloused hands and dirt under their nails. And this matters, because ‘Tanna’ is not just another hackneyed love story transposed into an exotic locale. It is composed of the essence of life in traditional Vanuatu. Read more “Barefoot on the red carpet”